"You can write in the dirt and it doesn't matter if your hands get dirty..."
Max 5 years 9 months
Children are natural explorers and love to investigate what is going on around them. At BEL children construct their own learning based on their interests. At BEL the following 5 key principles are implemented.
In the Reggio Emilia Approach the curriculum is very different to traditional teacher taught curriculums. It is planned by what the children are interested in while playing and engaging in activities of their choice.
The Emilio approach focuses on the notion that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. At BEL parents, educators, community and the children all work together to provide the best possible care and education for your children.
Children are able to explore both inside and outside the classroom. At BEL we encourage kids to get their hands dirty and interact with the natural environment.
Each child at BEL has a progress report that is updated regularly. This is done to further assess and plan projects that children want to start, are working towards or revisit. These reports show the children’s growth over the time.
Our educators understand how to guide children to express their feelings, and how children use their multiple intelligence and symbolic language.
The EYLF is an early childhood curriculum framework that encompasses the concept of Belonging, Being and Becoming. The framework outlines the principles, practice and outcomes to support and enhance young children's learning.
The seven Standards under the NQS are:
1. Educational program and practice
2. Children’s health and safety
3. Physical environment
4. Staffing arrangements
5. Relationships with children
6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
7. Leadership and service management.
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